About this Series
This course contains video recordings from Mela's monthly lecture series, offered at the school as a part of our Entry Level training. These lectures cover a variety of topics pertaining to Taoist cosmology, theory, cultivation and spiritual development along the path.
The purpose of these lectures is to expand more deeply into the various theoretical, philosophical, and metaphysical concepts that are involved in our practice. The scholarly aspect of training is a pillar of these arts, and we are hoping that these lectures are clarifying with regards to practice, as well as inspiring to your own personal study.
This course also contains a comprehensive list of pertinent resources -- articles & books -- to help you get further oriented with the matters discussed.
Lectures are conducted once a month, so videos will also be added on a monthly basis.
This lecture series is offered exclusively through our Online Resource Membership program. This course contains an ongoing archive of lectures that is growing over time. Each lecture is about 45 minutes in length, and is conducted by Assistant Instructor, Mela Carreira.
Lecture Topics
Details for Previous & Upcoming Lectures
Lecture 1: Introduction to Basic Concepts
In this lecture Mela introduces some of the basic concepts that underlie our discussion of self cultivation and Taoist Cosmology. Taoist cosmology is the theory of natural law and cosmic order from the perspective of the ancient masters and encompasses the fundamental framework of all Taoist theory and thought. This cosmology, or paradigm of thought and energy, is also the basis for all internal martial arts and cultivation practices. Through this, we will also begin to uncover the nature of spiritual cultivation and the metaphysical function of Taoist study and training.
Lecture 2: Wu Chi to Tai Chi - The Development of Energy from the Unmanifest to the Manifest
In this lecture we build on our understanding of Taoist Cosmology by deeply exploring the concept of Yin & Yang. When we move from the unmanifest sphere (Wu Chi) of reality, into the manifest, Yin & Yang are created (Tai Chi). All in the manifest world is governed by the operations of Tai Chi (Yin & Yang). The harmonization of yin & yang in our practice and in our life is one of the primary characteristics of practicing the internal arts. It is believed that through a true understanding of Yin & Yang, we can gain true understanding of the manifest sphere, and through harmonization of Yin & Yang we can return to and experience Tao.
Lecture 3: Further Divisions of Yin & Yang - The Development of Energy from One to Eight
In this lecture we follow the development of energy as described by Taoist Cosmology — working from the one limitless state (Wu Chi), to the beginning of manifestation & duality (Tai Chi), to the further divisions of Four and Eight Energies (Bagua). We will continue to reinforce the concepts covered in previous lectures as we expand further into the Cosmology. With each new division of energy, we open up a wide terrain of possibility and add more dimensions to our understanding of energy and change. Likewise, with each journey into the divisions and manifestations, of equal importance is the return to oneness. One is all, all is one. To work towards a true understanding of both is an integral part of Taoist Cultivation.
Lecture 4: Bagua - Pre & Post-Heaven Energy Arrangements (Part 1)
In this lecture our focus is on the 8 Trigrams of the Bagua. Simply described, these are the 8 Symbols of the primal energies of Taoist Cosmology, representing the rise and fall of Yin & Yang as a cycle, as well as their alchemical transformations. We discuss each Trigram in detail, and learn how to understand the Pre-Heaven and Post-Heaven arrangements of the Bagua. We continue to reinforce and build upon concepts covered in the previous lectures as we explore these important images, and their application in cultivation and life.
Lecture 5: Bagua - Pre & Post-Heaven Energy Arrangements (Part 2)
In this lecture we continue our discussion of the Bagua Pre & Post Heaven Arrangements. We will review the concepts introduced last month such as the names and symbolism of the 8 Trigrams, and dive further into the various purposes and meanings behind the Pre & Post Heaven arrangements. We will also begin to unpack the broader concept of Pre & Post Heaven energies in our training and cultivation.
Lecture 6: Five Phase Theory
In this lecture we will conclude the first stage of the Taoist Cosmology and Cultivation lecture series with a deep dive into 5 Phase Theory. The focus of this lecture will be an analysis of the interactions of the 5 Phases and how we might apply this concept to life and cultivation. This lecture will build upon previous discussion of the 5 Phases, and further explore the various functions of this particular aspect of the Taoist Cosmological system.
Course curriculum
About This Series
Lecture 1: Introduction to Basic Concepts
Lecture 2: Wuchi to Tai Chi - The Development of Energy from the Unmanifest to the Manifest
Lecture 3: Further Divisions of Yin & Yang - The Development of Energy from One to Eight
Lecture 4: Bagua 8 Trigrams - Pre and Post Heaven Arrangements
Lecture 5: Pre & Post Heaven Arrangements Part 2
Lecture 6: 5 Phase Theory

About this course
- 8 lessons
- 6.5 hours of video content