About the Zoom Lectures

Since COVID-19 began, we were fortunate to be able to continue teaching classes online via Zoom.  The new format allowed us to dive deeply into discussions on Taoist theory, philosophy and cosmology, and how this applies to training, life, and what we are all going through in these times of change.

We have decided to compile these lectures and offer them through our online program for students to enjoy.  These talks are relatively informal and often spontaneous, but cover many aspects of training, study, and living Tao as a way of life that we feel are beneficial for all students to deepen their understanding and personal cultivation work.

This lecture series is offered exclusively through our Online Resource Membership program.  This course contains the FULL archive of lectures -- which is growing over time.  Each lecture is about 20-45 minutes in length and contain talks from both Sifu Paolillo and his assistant, and Tao Institute's resident astrologer/cosmologist, Mela Carreira.

Zoom Lecture Archive

Table of Contents

    1. Taoist Cosmology Lecture 1: Explanation of the Theory of the I-Ching and its Relationship with Baguazhang, Part 1

    2. Taoist Cosmology Lecture 2: Harmonizing Yin & Yang and Using the Tao Mind in Tai Chi and Beyond

    3. Taoist Cosmology Lecture 3: The 8 Trigrams

    4. Q&A: Working with the I-Ching, Earth & Humanity's process, Transforming the Body through Cultivation, Connection with Lineage

    1. Wu Wei: Structure & Flexibility, Seasons of Manifestation, Connecting with Heavenly Qi & Mind of Tao

    2. Developing the Mind's Will

    3. Tao Te Ching Chapter 2

    1. Comments from Sifu on Form & Formless in Practice

    2. Why Do We Practice Forms? Discussion on Form/Formless, Pre/Post Celestial

    3. Continued Discussion on Pre & Post Celestial development

    4. Why Do We Practice Forms? Further Discussion

    5. Pre/Post Celestial Discussion in forms & weapons

    6. How Forms Develop Energetic Skill, and the Importance of Practicing Virtue

    1. Discussion on the Tai Chi Classics / Theory of Tai Chi

    1. Bagua Trigram Theory and the Body in Baguazhang

    1. Astrological Cycles of 2020: Year of the Metal Rat

    2. Overview of the North Node in Gemini Transit: May 2020 - January 2022

About this course

  • 17 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content


Sifu Frank J. Paolillo

Founder & Master Instructor

Sifu Frank J. Paolillo is the Founder and Master Instructor of the Tao Institute. With over fifty years of daily dedication and study in the martial arts, Sifu Paolillo brings a wealth of knowledge and depth of experience to his teaching and creative martial art work. Sifu’s focus is on cultivating the Tao as a way of life through internal martial arts, meditation, and qigong, and imparts to his students a true transmission of Tao through the training of form and formless.

Mela Carreira

Assistant Instructor

Mela is a dedicated student and assistant instructor to Sifu Paolillo. A martial arts practitioner since 2001, Mela was called to the internal arts and Asheville area in 2011, where she first began training at Tao Institute. Over the course of her training, Mela has come to understand, live by and deeply respect the philosophies of the martial arts and Tao in every day life. Mela teaches the entry level classes at Tao Institute and is a main assistant under the direct supervision of Sifu Paolillo in classes throughout the curriculum.