Welcome to the Online Resource Library Practice Portal!

Hello & Welcome!

The Practice Portal is specifically created to help streamline your daily practice routine as you work through the different courses on our platform.

This portal contains completed walkthrough videos that you can use once you finish working your way through the various courses to learn each practice step by step.  These provide a guideline for building your daily practice.

If you want guidance on how to organize your learning, please refer to the Membership Portal.

Inside the Practice Portal

    1. Welcome to the Practice Portal!

    1. Qigong Foundation Walkthrough

    2. Short Silk Reeling Walkthrough

    1. Warrior Qigong & 3 Treasures Qigong

    2. 8 Trigram Meditation & 8 Mother Palms

    3. Bagua Meditative Circle Walk

    4. Dragon Bagua Qigong

    5. Snake Qigong

    6. Praying Mantis Qigong

    7. Sitting Meditation

    1. Warrior Qigong & 3 Treasures Qigong

    2. First Section (Short Form) Walkthrough

    3. Full Form Walkthrough

    4. Full Form Walkthrough (Split Screen Version)

    5. Sitting Meditation

    1. Bagua Circle Walking Practice

    2. Dragon Bagua Qigong

    3. Snake Qigong

    4. Praying Mantis Qigong

    5. Sitting Meditation

About this course

  • 20 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content


Sifu Frank J. Paolillo

Founder & Master Instructor

Sifu Frank J. Paolillo is the Founder and Master Instructor of the Tao Institute. With over fifty years of daily dedication and study in the martial arts, Sifu Paolillo brings a wealth of knowledge and depth of experience to his teaching and creative martial art work. Sifu’s focus is on cultivating the Tao as a way of life through internal martial arts, meditation, and qigong, and imparts to his students a true transmission of Tao through the training of form and formless.

Mela Carreira

Assistant Instructor

Mela is a dedicated student and assistant instructor to Sifu Paolillo. A martial arts practitioner since 2001, Mela was called to the internal arts and Asheville area in 2011, where she first began training at Tao Institute. Over the course of her training, Mela has come to understand, live by and deeply respect the philosophies of the martial arts and Tao in every day life. Mela teaches the entry level classes at Tao Institute and is a main assistant under the direct supervision of Sifu Paolillo in classes throughout the curriculum.